So here's the story. I ordered 4 black Detail Thuggers. For those who didn't read my previous post, the first one I assembled literally crumbled in my hands as the material is too weak for the fragile parts. Additionally, one of the other Thuggers came with
two left arms.
However, the good news is that remaining 2 Thuggers worked in the end, and I managed to give them the paintjob they deserve:
"Hey, nobody calls Soundwave uncrassimatic!"
"These little guys are SO ANNOYING!"
The paints are a combination of Gunze Lacquer, Testors Fluorescent, oil wash and Future clear coat. Painting these tiny guys was really fun, but the kicker is trying to paint their visors.
Try it.
More pictures here at
my Flickr.
So revision 2.0 is in a good place in terms of design, but I'll have to tweak some areas like wall thicknesses and joints for additional stability. I'm thankful for all those who purchased him, and I'm glad to say (barring manufacturing mishaps) you're gonna have your money well-spent.
Revision 3.0 is going to be much, much better...
Issues in Revision 2.0:
- Detailed materials warp easier than Strong Flexible, especially in contact with warm water and under physical pressure (i.e. ball joints). The joints are looser than I would like. I would be thickening some parts in Rev. 3.0 for additional endurance.
- Sometimes you will receive a bad print. As stated above, the material (specifically Detailed material) will turn out softer than it's meant to be. This issue is especially crucial in a figure that small as the Thuggers, as tiny parts such as the weapon pegs simply break off. I have designed the Thuggers with some leeway in fragility, but the material failure is unacceptable. I'm currently contacting Shapeways to see what they can do for customers with bad prints, be it a reprint or a refund. I will update as soon as there's news.
- The level of detail in Detailed material is pretty good, although there are still artifacts on the surface. I intend to order the next batch of samples in Frosted Ultra Detail which is reportedly stronger. We'd see how it goes.
- Cleaning is done by first using a blade to scrape off most of the uncured material, then going at the rest with a toothbrush and soapy water. Toothpaste works
amazing, too.
With all these being said, these are the issues buyers have to be aware of before purchasing, and I state all these observations up front. As unpleasant as it sometimes sounds,
buyer beware. I have been putting in my best in making the design work, but there will always be lemons amidst the apples.