Hi guys up north!
I'm proud to present to you my offering, the Thugger twins.
The Thugger Twins
I had been working on these guys for a few weeks, and underwent one design revision, so I'm pretty confident the design is at a good level of execution.
I originally started this project because I really wanted a good, cheap pair of Frenzy, Rumble figures that can also interact with WFC Soundwave.
Hence, they are designed to convert from bot to a cybertronian cassette to a vehicle mounted missile launcher.
Because he is designed to fit into Soundwave, he is astonishingly tiny.
He is also quite posable!
You can purchase him here at
Thugger by fakebusker83 on Shapeways.
Most of what you're paying for goes into the Shapeway material and shipping. I'm only making a minimal profit from each because I want to keep prices as low as possible to reach the widest audience. I hope that's fair.
Prices are as listed:
White Strong Flexible: $6.51
Black Strong Flexible: $9.17
White Detail: $7.76
Black Detail: $7.79
Prices of the other materials can be found on the Shapeways link.
I'll recommend printing this figure in Detail materials to fully appreciate the details on the tiny sculpt, but printing in Strong Flexible material is still feasible.
This is revision 2.0, and there
could still be possibility of problems in the sculpt. I myself will be printing a few more samples for quality control but I'm releasing Thugger now for those who want him. Comments, critiques and feedback on problems faced in the figure will be very much appreciated!
Assembly Instructions

Once you have received your shipment, take the time to make sure you have all the required pieces. Separate the components carefully with a penknife, and give them a good wash with warm soapy water and a stiff brush to remove any uncured material. Make sure all the nooks and crannies are clean. Don't lose any pieces in the sink!
Assemble all the pieces according to the image above. Enjoy your little Thugger!
Oh and take note: You only get
one Thugger per order, even though some pictures portray 2 of them.