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Old 07-12-2010, 04:52 PM   #1
jackalprime's Ebay Auctions
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Smile My conversation with a Bell Rep over HDTV

I wanted to get bell HD, they advertise the digital basic at $30 per month. knowing there has to be more to it than that, i used the "chat live" feature. I asked legit questions, and was (not?) surprised at the final price. I didnt even get into installation. after that i bluffed to stay with rogers to see if i get the "please come to bell" deal. no such luck. I get pretty coy, but she doesnt bite.

A chat representative will be with you in about 0 minute(s). Thank you for waiting.
Chat representative Suzanne has joined the session and is ready to help. To start, please provide your name and home phone number.
Suzanne: Hello, welcome to Bell's Chat service. How can I guide you on today?
Greg: greg 416 *** ****
Greg: i want to know the actual cost of the digital basic
Greg: per month
Suzanne: I can certainly help you with that!
Suzanne: Are you a Bell TV customer?
Greg: no i am looking into it.
Suzanne: The cost of the Digital Standard is $38.00 plus taxes.
Greg: which is 42.94
Greg: $12.94 cents more than the advertised price per month.
Greg: does that include the HD reciever rental
Suzanne: OK, it will also have the LPIF which is not included in the advertised pricing.
Suzanne: The rental costs are extra. The $38.00 is for the programming.
Greg: so the rental for that is another 10 bucks a month
Suzanne: If you decide to rent or purchase an HD receiver, and have other services with Bell you will get a $5 bell bundle discount.
Greg: so im really looking at $52.94
Greg: ?
Suzanne: Right now we have a promotion for new customers who rent that they get their most expensive receiver free for the first year.
Suzanne: The cost of the service if you rent an HD receiver, after the promotion is done will be $48.00 for the basic plus taxes and fees.
Greg: what about the free pvr for 3 years
Greg: how much does this "free" pvr really cost
Suzanne: Sure, I can explain that for you. Do you have any services with bell right now?
Greg: i need to sign up for a super-duper package right?
Suzanne: No, it's not that at all. But I need to know what services you have with Bell right now, if any.
Greg: i quit both internet and phone because i was paying too much compared to other companies.
Greg: so i just want the free pvr for 3 years and digital basic with the hd reciever rental
Suzanne: Great! You're eligible for 3 years free PVR. IT works like this. If you switch all of your services back to bell, then you'll get the PVR free for 3 years, (internet, TV and home phone). If you select only two services, you'd get two years. If you only sign up for TV, it's one year free.
Greg: but the internet and phone service is over priced
Greg: ill be loosing money
Suzanne: I'm sorry you feel that way, however; that's the way the promotion works.
Greg: i work for the city of toronto, i hear bell has corporate plans?
Suzanne: If you'd like to consider all three services with Bell, I can transfer you to a sales agent that could explain the pricing for all three.
Greg: okay
Suzanne: Bell doesn't have corporate plans for TV.
Greg: i guess ill stick with rogers HD
Greg: there are way too many strings here
Suzanne: Is there anything else I can help you with today.
Greg: its like a string factory
Greg: you know, like that "how its made" show on tv where they show how things are made. if they showed bell, it would be a huge factory with a million people making strings
Suzanne: Is there anything else I can help with?
Greg: no, im just trying to make you laugh. i know how stressful your job may be. i hope that brightened your day
Greg: have a nice evening
Suzanne: You as well.
Greg: thank you for your help
Suzanne: Thank you for contacting Bell.

"for everything there ever was"

Last edited by jackalprime; 07-12-2010 at 04:57 PM.
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