Cybertron.CA - Canadian Transformers News and Discussion
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Cybertron.CA - Canadian Transformers News and Discussion: Members List
User Name Join Date Posts Reverse Sort Order Last Visit Favorite Transformers ToyLocation
zuffyprime 04-25-2007 5,445 04-09-2024 MetroplexToronto/Miss/Brampton
zackmak 03-12-2008 778 01-31-2025 SoundwaveKitchener
zfarsh 09-16-2013 673 Yesterday Quakewave and MP GrimlockOakville Canada
Z_Unit 08-02-2007 506 02-07-2013 Omega PrimeBritish Columbia
Zenith27 01-19-2016 384 04-01-2023 G1 ProwlSurrey
Zakna 05-02-2007 316 01-10-2022 ~Calgary
zhaobinis1 07-18-2017 309 08-22-2023 NARichmond
zerocustom 07-28-2010 286 08-07-2023 MP OptimusNL
Zodberg 03-04-2009 265 07-02-2018 It's a new day.Oakville.
zirew_85 08-02-2008 247 Yesterday masterpiece o primevancouver
zinger18 02-06-2010 127 09-09-2021 Masterpiece Nemesis Primewinnipeg
Zeusguy 06-29-2009 105 09-04-2024 Classics Optimus PrimeNew Brunswick
Zim 07-22-2008 84 05-03-2010 Animated Leader MegatronCanada
Zero 06-28-2009 57 03-23-2019 Masterpiece Nemesis PrimeCanada
Zynnix 12-01-2009 52 08-30-2021 Transformers Prime RID VehiconBowmanville, ON
zandergb 03-30-2012 48 03-17-2024 Shadow PantherOntario
zeds 08-01-2009 34 08-18-2011 G1 SnarlToronto
Zikmaster1000 03-12-2012 29 02-08-2022 So far I think Masterpeice Optimus PrimeRegina, Saskatchewan
zeromight 07-03-2008 28 03-06-2015 Masterpiece PrimeEdmonton
zaifster 01-26-2011 21 06-16-2012 terradiveBrampton,ON
Zeralia 04-26-2008 17 07-27-2009 Alternators/Binaltech, Masterpieces and UniverseOttawa, Ontario
zoso1900 07-10-2012 15 06-10-2015 MP SkywarpFL
ZekeZanzibar 06-05-2009 13 11-08-2012 DefensorPlaces
zxrlez 02-15-2014 7 11-26-2020 Takara MP4 and MP10Calgary
Zenlee11 02-02-2011 6 06-24-2011 generations DirgeToronto, ON
zeo_moshimoshi 07-16-2010 6 08-08-2011 Movie leaderOntario
zacic 06-27-2011 6 05-17-2014 MegatronONTARIO!!!!!!!!!!
zeronezero 02-14-2014 4 07-02-2014 All or NoneNJ
zodconvoy 01-01-2012 3 04-06-2012 MP-01 Convoythe Nemesis, PA
Zaraki Kurosaki 07-17-2008 3 10-26-2012 Omega Supreme G1Cybertron
Showing results 1 to 30 of 92

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