Cybertron.CA - Canadian Transformers News and Discussion
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Cybertron.CA - Canadian Transformers News and Discussion: Members List
User Name Join Date Posts Reverse Sort Order Last Visit Favorite Transformers ToyLocation
wervenom 05-15-2010 8,216 Today Masterpiece MegatronWoodbridge, On
Whisky Tango Foxtrot 03-01-2008 2,075 Today PerceptorToronto
Wheelwave 04-05-2014 1,127 09-29-2024 MP SoundwaveBC Canada
wesperino 12-06-2018 897 Today IDK Too manyOntario
wedge1021 04-20-2012 872 06-16-2020 MTC Green GiantFort Erie, ON
wheeljaxx 05-13-2007 842 N/A Soundwaveon the move
WereDragon EX 06-02-2014 772 Today BruticusVancouver
Window 01-07-2013 706 12-05-2020 Unicron 25th AnniversaryToronto
Wheelie 01-23-2009 505 N/A WheelieEtobicoke
Wodicus 09-05-2007 368 07-22-2021 Classics Optimus PrimeNewfoundland
WhiteRabbit 11-02-2007 334 N/A G1 BroadsideVancouver, BC
Wheeltron 03-03-2014 283 02-24-2016 Optimal OptimusHalifax, Nova Scotia
Watari 11-03-2009 191 12-12-2020 Can't Decide!Vancouver
Woundave 01-13-2012 187 03-31-2017 Masterpiece Grimlockin a zoo
wreckage 07-24-2007 149 Today magmatronnova scotia
Wheeljack00 08-05-2011 145 08-17-2024 SoundwaveVancouver
Witterquick 06-30-2010 138 09-27-2011 ROTF Bludgeon, he's too much fun.Spruce Grove, AB, Canada
Woodlm 11-28-2010 103 08-08-2017 MetroplexSimcoe County
WaveOfSound 01-13-2010 89 07-29-2010 SDCC 25th Anniversary Soundwave with 4 cassettesOshawa, ON
Wh33ls 05-09-2009 87 08-29-2023 MP-01 Optimus PrimeCalgary
wingster 01-06-2013 80 09-29-2024 OptimusCanada
wawdj 09-12-2007 75 09-01-2013 All of allOttawa
Whrlwndz 08-12-2013 73 03-22-2020 OptimusAmherstburg
wahoo 10-31-2014 68 10-15-2020 MetroplexCanada
WarMachine72 04-06-2012 65 11-04-2023 G1 ShockwaveNiagara Falls, Ontario
william_1117 10-07-2009 62 02-28-2021 constraction devastorvancouver
Wolf873 07-29-2009 55 06-21-2018 BW MegatronCanada
wrx78 03-09-2021 44 07-21-2023 PredakingNew Brunswick
Wazzpinator 07-04-2009 42 01-05-2014 I likes classic MegatronMissisauga, Ontario
wing001 04-13-2009 38 12-28-2018 Omega supreme G1cybertron
Showing results 1 to 30 of 218

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