Cybertron.CA - Canadian Transformers News and Discussion
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Cybertron.CA - Canadian Transformers News and Discussion: Members List
User Name Join Date Posts Reverse Sort Order Last Visit Favorite Transformers ToyLocation
FreedomGundam 05-23-2007 2,863 02-08-2025 Classics Optimus PrimeMontreal
FEZaid 07-30-2012 1,238 05-27-2024 G1_TFA BlitzwingDemocratic Federated Republic of Carbombya
faustx 08-01-2007 851 06-30-2023 TrypticonToronto
freakx2001 01-20-2009 466 Today ScorponokOttawa
Fear or Courage 04-11-2008 402 02-05-2025 Bat Optimus Primal versus Alligator MegatronPickering
funkmasterke 08-26-2013 270 09-24-2021 g1 soundwaveCoquitlam, BC
Foxw 11-02-2009 250 06-17-2021 rotf primeBarrie, Ontario
face 12-21-2010 244 N/A noneThe Island
F4l4nx 01-05-2012 242 10-24-2023 not surelethbridge, Alberta
fishtifer 05-04-2009 224 07-05-2024 Omega SupremeCalgary
Fretburn 05-30-2007 208 02-01-2025 ROTF Leader Optimus PrimeHalifax
Fireflight 04-30-2007 202 Today Alt JazzCalgary, Ab,
flexativity 07-13-2011 175 08-10-2023 predakingToronto
FreakNasty 05-08-2007 174 10-30-2024 DevastatorNewfoundland
familyman 02-06-2008 170 01-14-2015 Jazz G1Atikokan, Ontario
Fermix 10-26-2009 144 01-26-2024 SideswipeMilky Way
Fiend6669 03-26-2009 130 11-07-2019 THS-02 Convoy & THS-02b Black ConvoyMontreal, Quebec, Canada
forty6and2 01-11-2009 115 02-26-2021 Masterpiecs OptimusSaskatchewan
Fusion 07-28-2008 114 03-06-2022 not sureOntario
FlyingVEE 03-10-2013 109 04-17-2024 Transmetal Optimus PrimalVancouver
Flanker 04-15-2016 106 08-05-2019 Devastator, SoundwaveVancouver
fazemanpress 07-29-2012 95 06-24-2018 optimus primeMilton
Fussion 05-06-2007 87 07-27-2012 Omega SupremeNewmarket, Ontario
formula93 07-24-2010 84 08-02-2015 G1 PredakingKansas City, KS
Fanboy30 05-25-2009 79 12-09-2015 MirageHalifax, NS
Frozen_Primal 04-25-2007 74 03-30-2021 PrimusSherbrooke QC
Fortressmaximus 11-05-2012 65 01-12-2015 Fortress maximusClinton indiana usa
FreightTrain 04-01-2018 63 08-05-2024 In my collection...MP01 Optimus PrimeNanaimo
Fred0 11-09-2007 63 06-10-2022 G1 primeChicoutimi, Québec
First It Giveth 04-29-2013 58 Today ShockwaveNova Scotia
Showing results 1 to 30 of 271

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