Cybertron.CA - Canadian Transformers News and Discussion
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Cybertron.CA - Canadian Transformers News and Discussion: Members List
User Name Join Date Posts Reverse Sort Order Last Visit Favorite Transformers ToyLocation
brr-icy 01-16-2008 6,544 04-11-2023 G1 OverlordStratford Ontario
Bruticus82 07-27-2008 5,572 10-15-2024 TrypticonThe Hammer (Hamilton)
Benzo 05-14-2007 4,565 N/A MP-10/Universe 2.0 CyclonusWinnipeg
Buhawi 12-17-2007 3,988 N/A Alternators and ClassicsBundok Maharlika
bedtime 07-19-2010 2,525 09-23-2024 classics cyclonusToronto
Beechy 04-25-2007 2,427 12-31-2024 Optimal OptimusStoney Creek, Ont
BruticusMax 10-21-2009 2,236 N/A Sentinel MaximusToronto, Canada
BoNKerS 07-30-2012 1,993 Yesterday PredakingYork Region
Black Cat 04-28-2007 1,892 N/A Depth ChargeGTA
Batman 05-16-2007 1,802 02-08-2025 ErectorOttawa, Ontario
BadJeff 04-25-2007 1,510 10-12-2022 MP-02Calgary, Alberta
Big Filipino 05-22-2008 1,369 03-18-2021 MP-4 OptimusOriginally from T.O. but now in NJ
Bountyan 05-11-2008 1,139 02-15-2025 Movie Camaro Concept BumblebeePort Moody, BC
BScorpinok75 04-28-2010 976 10-16-2017 G1 ScorponokRight Here Silly?
Banshee 05-12-2007 932 Today G1 SoundwaveMontreal
BeeBoy29 03-22-2009 914 08-21-2011 Omega Spreem :PScarborough/Markham
big dawg 08-19-2010 863 09-27-2024 metroplexRegina
Blurrz 08-26-2007 843 N/A Armada BlurrOil Country
Badgertron 09-21-2007 797 01-18-2025 Botcon Octopunch?Vancouver, B.C.
borihazard 10-17-2007 782 02-05-2021 mp starscreamNorth Vancouver, BC
BigWillay 09-06-2014 772 01-27-2024 Metroplex titan classRichmond Hill
Bumblebee78 05-12-2007 724 Yesterday HeinradSherbrooke, Québec
Baryonyx 03-26-2009 693 02-14-2025 Scorponok (G1)Montreal
Blitzwing 06-10-2008 666 08-10-2017 G1 SixshotSurrey, BC
beretta 06-08-2007 614 06-10-2022 Masterpiece Optimus PrimeOttawa
BlackZarak 05-06-2007 611 Yesterday Fortress MaximusBarrie, Ontario
blitz 10-12-2007 595 01-14-2018 MasterpieceVancouver, BC
Black Spidey Boy 10-31-2007 593 N/A Gigapower DinobotsScarborough
bruisedlee 05-04-2007 558 02-04-2018 Cybertron Optimus PrimeSherbrooke, Quebec
Bruticus 08-24-2009 548 07-18-2019 Bruticus and PredakingKitchener, Ontario
Showing results 1 to 30 of 723

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