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MahtimusPrime09 MahtimusPrime09 is offline

Shut up, Rattrap

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. MonstaBot
    01-08-2018 08:40 AM
    I've got tons of Bayverse. Please send me a Wish List of what you're looking for.
    - Jason=
  2. Pascal
    09-25-2017 03:03 PM
    Hey man, you forgot to give me your full address to ship the comics! And empty your inbox, it's full!
  3. Oreobuilder
    07-31-2015 08:38 PM
    Hey, sorry for the late reply. It was a crazy week. I collect mostly MP now. I started collecting way back in 2001 when RID hit stores. I could not resist Lamborghini Prowl and the Bruticus repaint (Ruination) when I saw them at Zellers. That started the snowball rolling down the hill lol. I have collected a lot of lines since them RID, Armada, Energon, some Beast Wars. I also picked up a lot of Generations, but since Masterpiece got rebooted with MP-10, I'm hooked on that. I hardly pick up any Generations anymore.

    How about you, what got you into TFs? Was there a specific robot that got you hooked?
  4. Oreobuilder
    07-24-2015 10:23 PM
    Hey Mahtimus! Nice to meet a fellow local TF fan. I don't live in Vaudreuil, but I make the trip to the TRU once in a while. Have you been collecting long?

About Me

  • About MahtimusPrime09
    Favorite Transformers Character
    Optimus Prime
    Favorite Transformers Generation
    Favorite Transformers Toy
    MP-10 Optimus Prime
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    G1 Series
    Montreal, Quebec
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  • Signature
    Let those who exist long after us know that this was our finest hour!

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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 06:47 PM
  • Join Date: 06-01-2015
  • Referrals: 0


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