Sorry dude no luck, no generations and a little boy got to the last Movie Trilogy Optimus before I could, but he is out there, since it was the last I'm sure that they will restock it
I won't be able ot update from Minot so I will have to tell the sightings when I get back, but i will keep my optics out for the itmes your looking for, and althoug it's very, very unlikly, If I find Prime DLx Hot Shot, Vehicon or Knockout Early would you like them? I'll let you know what I find, I leave tomorro morning try to let me know by then
Just wanted to remind you that I leave for minot on Tuesday and I will update sightings and info as they come, so keep an eye on you Private messages on Tuesday, Wensday, Thursday and Maybe Friday
Okay so If I find a Sky Shadow and Junkheap for you, actully quick fact, when I moved here I came through Minot, when I was there I did spot sevreal Junkheaps and Sky Shadows, I don't know if they'll still have them but I can look, however Tearfromthread requested me to look for Transformers Prime Ratchet and Genration Sky Shadow and Junkheap, so If I do find one they'll be going to your fried first, howver if there a two I will gladly pick them up for the both of you, just thought I'd let you know that your second on the list for Sky Shadow and Junkheap
Hey Big Dawg, I'm going to Minot is 2 weeks, when I get back want me to tell you what they have, I mean it's only 4 hours away and the prices are better