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Shepp Shepp is offline

Maverick Hunter

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
  1. justprime
    04-18-2017 07:36 PM
    Hi Shep
    No problem is postal address L9W 0K4
    Have a pleasant evening.
    Regards Perry
  2. justprime
    04-18-2017 05:34 AM
    Hi Shep I am still interested in scrounge and cybaxx drop me a note here if it's easier .
    Regards Perry
  3. Oasis
    07-17-2014 11:54 AM
    Why are we not friends? I too enjoy steampunk!
  4. johndclayton
    10-12-2012 06:04 PM
    whats nanowrimo?

    by the way i just got another short scene finished if you would liek to read it
  5. johndclayton
    10-12-2012 03:24 PM
    so would that be a good thing or a bad thing?
  6. faustx
    03-18-2011 03:21 PM
    You back in the saddle? We'd love to get your curator action in high gear....fell free to call me at 416-423-9265 to discuss...james
  7. Sideswipe
    01-07-2011 12:08 PM
    Hey dude, can i add you on steam?
  8. faustx
    11-26-2010 08:47 PM
    send me your details and we can make seperate arrangements to get you beta, address, email and phone for now...thanks!
  9. Shepp
    03-02-2010 01:02 PM
    It doesn't take that much effort to make a custom t-shirts. I choose black because the white ones cause problems with colours.

    1. Buy a cheap black t-shirt that fits.
    2. In the stationery section of a department store like Wal-Mart there are packages of iron on t-shirt transfer sheets. Buy one for a black shirt.
    3. Edit the image so that it will fit on a full page, filling up as much of the page as possible. Make a black border around it. Read the iron-on transfer instructions.
    4. Print onto the iron-on transfer. Cut the corners so that they are rounded. Most iron-on transfers will say to cut out to the edges of the image, don't. You need the border.
    5. Here's the difficult part. Ironing it too long will cause burning and wrinkling problems, too little and the image won't stick properly. One of those large flat machines to press pants works well if you have access to one.
    6. Remember that over time and washing the image will get crinkly, cracked, and peel.
  10. Shepp
    03-02-2010 12:45 PM

    The first one's really falling apart, my wife keeps peeling at it whenever I wear it. But then I made that one for like the third TFCon I think.

    Since then I had it "professionally" made, which ended up looking like shit and cost more than it did to make it on my own.

    I will make another someday, along with a shirt containing every Transformers faction symbol.

    Although I also have an interesting idea for a zippered hoodie and t-shirt combo decked out in the style of one of the pretender shells and inner robot. I might end up making that for the next TFCon I attend.

About Me

  • About Shepp
    Favorite Transformers Character
    Autobot Backtrack, my car. He died.
    Favorite Transformers Generation
    Favorite Transformers Toy
    Tri-Bot Mob-L by Tomy Japan.
    Favorite Transformers Show
    Generation 1
    Brantford, Ontario
    Ebay Member Name


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  • Last Activity: 05-10-2022 09:05 AM
  • Join Date: 04-26-2007
  • Referrals: 1


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