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big dawg big dawg is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Fanatic97
    05-01-2018 07:50 PM
    Hey are the Jet Vehicons still up for Purcahse
  2. Zikmaster1000
    04-12-2012 10:51 PM
    Sorry dude no luck, no generations and a little boy got to the last Movie Trilogy Optimus before I could, but he is out there, since it was the last I'm sure that they will restock it
  3. Zikmaster1000
    04-09-2012 08:14 PM
    I won't be able ot update from Minot so I will have to tell the sightings when I get back, but i will keep my optics out for the itmes your looking for, and althoug it's very, very unlikly, If I find Prime DLx Hot Shot, Vehicon or Knockout Early would you like them? I'll let you know what I find, I leave tomorro morning try to let me know by then
  4. Zikmaster1000
    04-05-2012 09:41 PM
    Just wanted to remind you that I leave for minot on Tuesday and I will update sightings and info as they come, so keep an eye on you Private messages on Tuesday, Wensday, Thursday and Maybe Friday
  5. Zikmaster1000
    03-27-2012 07:27 PM
    Okay so If I find a Sky Shadow and Junkheap for you, actully quick fact, when I moved here I came through Minot, when I was there I did spot sevreal Junkheaps and Sky Shadows, I don't know if they'll still have them but I can look, however Tearfromthread requested me to look for Transformers Prime Ratchet and Genration Sky Shadow and Junkheap, so If I do find one they'll be going to your fried first, howver if there a two I will gladly pick them up for the both of you, just thought I'd let you know that your second on the list for Sky Shadow and Junkheap
  6. Zikmaster1000
    03-27-2012 02:26 PM
    Hey Big Dawg, I'm going to Minot is 2 weeks, when I get back want me to tell you what they have, I mean it's only 4 hours away and the prices are better
  7. Zikmaster1000
    03-26-2012 03:07 PM
    Hey Big on a scale of 1 to 10, just how big of a Transformers fan are you with 1 being into it and 10 being an obbsesed fanatic

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  • Last Activity: 09-27-2024 01:20 PM
  • Join Date: 08-19-2010
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