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Big Filipino Big Filipino is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 20
  1. GraveWalker92
    07-20-2016 12:41 AM
    That's okay. Thanks for the quick reply anyway!
  2. GraveWalker92
    07-18-2016 02:27 AM
    Hi I was just wondering do you have one of the rotor/swords for Animated Leader Class Megatron or his Shadow Blade repaint? Can I buy one off you?

    P.S. I am also Filipino but I live in the Philippines at the moment. Mabuhay!
  3. Nazarite
    10-08-2014 10:26 AM
    I am indeed. Nice to meet another follower of 'The Way' on this here site.
  4. Nazarite
    10-07-2014 03:25 PM
    I'm having trouble reading your avatar. Does it say Romans 12:2?
    If so, it's one of my favorite verses.
  5. justprime
    12-24-2013 07:36 AM
    Hi Big guy
    Just wanted to wish you and family a VARY MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR hope thing are going well for you take care talk to you soon,be well.
    Best Regards P
  6. Stepper
    07-29-2013 05:34 PM
    That is great to hear you guys had a good time but too bad you guys had to book it out right after and could not chill a bit,but I hear ya.You guys are really cool and it was great meeting you too,Lets keep in touch im going to hit up Sunlink for a add too.
  7. Stepper
    07-29-2013 05:22 PM
    Hey Bro!I looked for you too Sunday but who knew it was going to be that hard to miss the biggest Fillipino dude ive ever met lol.Hopefully we can chill next year,I sold a ton of shit so it was not bad did you find all that you wanted?
  8. Stepper
    07-29-2013 02:37 PM
    Hey its Bill.We we talking outside at your tailgate sale lol.Im the dude from Scarborough with the hat that Sunlink sold the book to,it was nice meeting
  9. Sachriel
    07-23-2012 05:44 AM
    hey sorry I just managed to look thru the postings. but I'll take the arcee since shes the main I've been looking for. thanks again!

  10. Sideswipe
    05-06-2012 11:27 PM
    He dude, how much were you asking for the SDCC Runamuck?

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  • Last Activity: 03-18-2021 12:23 PM
  • Join Date: 05-22-2008
  • Referrals: 0


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