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This is a group that either still live, or are from the best island in Canada, that love "The Transformers".
138 480 1,377 0
04:26 PM
Listen to Canadian Slag? Love it? Like it? Love it? Hate it? Love it? We want to hear what you think. Ask us questions, give us ideas to talk about on the show, anything goes. It's our show and we do what we want, but we'd like to make it something you enjoy listening to and we enjoy doing ;)
74 12 245 15
04:34 AM
For all the Vancity TF collectors out there! Join up and Unite!!!!
72 117 1,912 1
03:39 PM
A place for those who play Transformers: War for Cybertron online (Playstation 3 and X-box 360) to organize matches/events and share their online handles with other board members.
69 8 85 0
01:42 PM
Group for Edmonton Transformer fans to assemble, discuss, and of course, scheme.
66 14 5,115 96
07:39 PM
=[Iacon North]= The Manitoba Transformers Fan Club
64 15 542 32
07:44 PM
The air is drier than than the wit. For us Calgary Transformers fans. Oh, and did I mention that we're the best city group. Take that Edmonton; Winnipeg
48 7 413 15
06:50 PM
for anyone who collects transformers in vancouver.
39 8 12 0
06:47 AM
A place to vent your frustration at not being able to find new Transformers at Atlantic Canadian retail.
38 42 165 0
02:50 PM
TFcon is your annual Canadian Transformers convention where you will find exciting guests, the largest Transformers dealer room in the country, and exclusive panels. This group is for people who have been to TFcon and wish to retell all their interesting stories, post their pictures, and get excited about TFcon's to come!
33 1 3 0
09:04 AM
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