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Created Showing Discussions 10 of 117 Replies Last Post
by kirbenvost
12-03-2012 03:51 PM
BC Chat Thread in General Discussion
Since these Social Groups aren't very good for email subscriptions like a regular forum thread (I...
12-06-2012 03:39 PM
by jjwankenobi
11-21-2012 05:05 PM
KO / Third Party Products
Got something that's not a HasTakTomy release but is awesome nonetheless? Or do you need some...
11-29-2012 02:48 PM
by jjwankenobi
02-01-2012 02:32 PM
The Saga of the STAR WARS Saga re-release in 3D
I wanted to start this thread so obakemono's production thread doesn't get derailed any further. ...
11-28-2012 08:06 PM
by pandaprime
09-26-2011 01:28 AM
Tidbits about other shops online selling TFs
hi everybody! You can post information about any online store websites that sell TFs other than...
11-23-2012 04:23 AM
by Darth Cylon
11-16-2012 12:37 AM
LEGO Store Brick Friday Sales Nov 23-26
FYI Spend $49 get free shipping from Spend $99 get a free limited edition 2012 Holiday...
11-16-2012 12:37 AM
by Darth Cylon
11-07-2012 06:47 PM
Any of you guys collect S.H.MonsterArts line of Godzilla figures? The details are amazing but I...
11-14-2012 08:49 PM
by jjwankenobi
12-06-2011 01:37 PM
The Multi-purpose Advice Thread
Sorry for the convoluted title but I thought I'd start a thread that can be used multiple times for...
11-09-2012 07:18 PM
by kirbenvost
11-02-2012 06:14 PM
Universal Studios Transformers Ride
Well we knew this would happen but they've officially announced the Transformers ride is being...
11-02-2012 06:14 PM
by Trans4mers
10-21-2012 12:01 AM
Should we move the Vancouver Toy Pool thread into our community?
Just a thought.. Considering it is meant for us to use anyways. No need to have it in the sales...
10-28-2012 01:52 AM
by Trans4mers
10-17-2012 10:14 PM
Which version of FOC Bruticus are you planning on getting?
I'm trying to decide which version of the FOC Bruticus do I want to get. Just wondering what other...
10-19-2012 04:11 PM

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