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Conversation Between SMOG and FreedomGundam
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. SMOG
    09-13-2014 01:50 PM
    Out of curiosity, where do you get degreasers... what brands "work" for you? I'm just about to run out and do some shopping, so I figured I might pick some up to try it.
  2. SMOG
    09-05-2014 03:58 PM
    Yeah, I figured as much. Thanks for the suggestions!
  3. FreedomGundam
    09-04-2014 06:02 PM
    The only problem then is that it's much harder to get paint to adhere properly on already chromed parts. If you're going to go that route, you should at least sand/scuff up the existing chrome to give your new paint something to "bite" on.
  4. SMOG
    09-04-2014 04:51 PM
    In the end it might just be easier and faster to pain red right over top.
  5. FreedomGundam
    09-04-2014 03:47 PM
    I've tried it a bit... takes forever if you're rubbing it. I haven't tried soaking it in the alcohol in a few days, though.

    The main problem with most of the chrome applied on toys is that it's usually coated in a clear or clear-color overcoat. That's the part that's a pain in the ass to get rid of.
  6. SMOG
    09-04-2014 02:39 PM
    Have you tried the alcohol for chrome? How does that work? Is it more resistant than regular paint apps?
  7. FreedomGundam
    09-04-2014 01:59 PM
    Oven-cleaner and brake fluid is pretty harsh; I wouldn't use it to clean off regular paint apps. It'd be analogous to using heavy lacquer thinners; it'll definitely work, but you risk "melting" your plastic.

    For regular factory paint apps, I've stuck to the 99% isopropyl alcohol.
  8. SMOG
    09-04-2014 01:40 PM
    How does oven-cleaner or brake-fluid handle regular pain apps? I've been using isopropyl alcohol up till now (90% ish).
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