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Conversation Between SMOG and Buhawi
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. SMOG
    02-14-2013 05:22 AM
    I keep looking at the Rage kit, but somehow it really REALLY irks me that I'd be paying $40 for a few add-ons, when if I were buying Hercules all over again from scratch, it would only cost me around $520 to get the whole thing, corrected, patched, raged and all.

    Maybe that's crying over spilled milk, but makes me resent having to lay out the cash for the Rage set. Call me petty, but shit like that has an effect on shoppers. We don't get that retail market off-the-shelf impulse buy thing. When prying open your wallet for overpriced 3rd Party stuff, it doesn't require much of an excuse to say "naaaah... screw it."
  2. Buhawi
    02-13-2013 10:58 PM
    Ha just saw this today. Sorry.

    I love the Rage kit head minus the constipated face. Colour the forehead and mohawk then bam! :lol
  3. SMOG
    10-19-2012 11:43 AM
    Just thought of you the other day, because I finally cracked and opened one of those Kreo Devastator sets in the aisle. I had to know how big that Devastator head really was. It's pretty tiny, in the end. Really no bigger than the G1 head, if not smaller.

    And the dream of a perfect Hercules option head dies.
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