Conversation Between Nocturn and Protoman
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
The Logo swayed one way, but the guy never indicated the scale of it so the simple design was a powerful argument for the KO side, not to mention the lack of documentation
Where was this so I can end it.
Cool. Saw a heated discussion about it, people were convinced it was KO
The Real Figure series, only had 2 characters. Metals Convoy (Primal) and Metals Megatron. They were downsized toys of the original Metals/Transmetals molds. I.... don't have an image onhand but i have a carded Convoy/Primal in my collection.
Senor Protodan
Ever heard of a certain Beast Wars Metals Real Figure Convoy?
You always seem to know so I figured I'd ask the best